Easy All-Natural Baking Soda Air Fresheners
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Most of you know that my family and I have recently moved into a new house. The day we were given the keys we were so excited to start moving in, but unfortunately, when we did a walkthrough we found that the house had been left very dirty. Now, I am not a clean freak by any means. I’m not one of those people that like to vacuum, or just has to have clear counters. I hate cleaning. Every day I will do the minimum to keep the house from being dirty, but my husband usually does the big stuff. So you can imagine how dirty it must have been for even me to have an issue with it!
Once the cleaning was done, we started moving in all of our belongings. Over the last few months we had been living with my mom while we looked for a new house so a majority of our things had been in storage. While unpacking, I started to notice a smell. A stale, dusty, cardboard smell. I opened the windows, washed just about everything but the smell still lingered. Instead of buying air fresheners for every room, I decided to try baking soda.

I had this recipe for baking soda air fresheners written down on a sticky note in my planner for a long time and was excited to use it!
Here’s what you need:
- 1/4 c baking soda
- 15-20 drops essential oils
- small mason jar
- printed cardstock
- scissors
- pencil
- hole punch
Start by adding 1/4 cup of baking soda, then your essential oils. I added 15 drops of Peppermint oil to the first jar.

I also wanted to add Orange oil, but I didn’t have any on hand. So instead I added the zest from one large ornage. It smelled lovely!

For the next jar, I added 10 drops of Lavender oil, 10 drops of Lemon oil and a sprig of fresh Rosemary from my garden. Then I gently stirred the mixture to evenly distribute the oils throughout the baking soda.

Next, I trace the inside lid on printed cardstock and used my 1/8″ hole punch to make a few holes in the paper. Place the paper inside the lid ring and close the jar.

I’ve placed a few of these jars throughout the house and am pleased with the scent that they provide! If you’re concerned that the scent might be too strong, start by adding 10 drops of oil and check, you can always add more. If the scent starts to fade you can stir up the mixture again, or gently shake the jar from side to side. Be careful not to shake the jar up and down, I did that and baking soda went everywhere because of the holes on top! I’m excited to try new scent combinations for the holidays, what scents will you try first?