10 Ways to Use Baby Wipes During Summer Vacation

Growing up I remember my mom always said that baby wipes can be used for anything. Long after my sisters and I were out of diapers she kept a pack in her bag or in the car. Even today, when her youngest child is 22 years old, she still keeps baby wipes on hand!
The reasoning behind this didn’t really sink in until I had kids of my own. Now, I don’t leave the house without a pack of baby wipes in my bag. But just because your babies outgrow diapers and the traditional use for baby wipes, they never outgrow making messes!
With Summer just around the corner, our outdoor activities will be rapidly increasing, so I’ve put together a list of uses for baby wipes while on the go!
- Wipe excess sunscreen off the palms of your hands. Sunscreen is meant to stick to your skin, which means sand will too! Clean your hands to avoid a bigger mess.
- Remove salt residue after a day at the beach. Once you’re done soaking up the sun and playing in the ocean, use baby wipes to remove the salt residue that the ocean can leave behind. They also work great to remove sand from your skin before you get back in the car!
- Clean messy hands and faces while on a road trip. When you can’t stop to eat and the kids need a snack, just pass a pack of wipes to the back seat for the kids to clean their hands. The flip-top is easy enough for little hands to open. Also, if you do stop to eat or use a rest stop baby wipes can be used to wipe down the tables or high chair.
- After your road trip is over, clean your car seats. Baby wipes are great at not only cleaning our car but also at cleaning your kids’ car seats! They pick up all the crumbs and get out the juice stains your little ones leave behind.
- Clean your dog’s paws off before they get in the car. Even your furry friends can benefit from baby wipes! Our dog loves to run around with the kids are the park, but he will track dirt into the car after a day at the park. Just one wipe will clean him up!
- Take them camping for easy “freshening up”. Spending quality time in the great outdoors can be fun, but it can also be messy. Plus, there aren’t too many showers out in the woods! Keep baby wipes on hand to clean up throughout the day, after fishing, during hikes and before you climb into the tent. They also stay cool, so it’s nice to wipe down your face when it’s hot outside.
- Use wipes to clean sports equipment. Summer sports camps are always fun for the kids, but hauling around their equipment can make you cringe. Wipe off the dirt and dust with baby wipes before you throw them into the trunk.
- Get rid of that awful fish smell. If you’re heading out to the lake for a fishing trip, grab a pack of baby wipes! They not only work great to remove that fishy smell from your hands, but they also make cleaning your fishing equipment a breeze!
- Remove clothing stains. If you’re away from home for the day and didn’t bring a change of clothes, don’t worry about spills and stains. Use baby wipes to clean them up! I have never met a stain that I couldn’t remove with a baby wipe, and trust me – my kids have spilled more than their fair share of foods on themselves and me!
- Clean up after the kids when visiting relatives. During the Summer a lot of families use the time off to visit friends and relatives. Unfortunately, your kids may use this time to find new places to create art! Use baby wipes to clean crayon, pen, pencil, and marker off the walls (and furniture).
This article was originally published in 2015 and has been updated for 2022.