Weekly Journal Prompts: #4

Weekly Journal Prompt - Need inspiration for your journal? Follow these prompts!

Last week my prompt was to write down 10 things you love about yourself. Sometimes this is a hard thing to do. We have no problem listing all of our faults, but when it comes to what we’re good it’s takes a bit more thinking. This week we’re going to be looking at our strength and weaknesses again.

Do you consider yourself a good friend?

I don’t think that any of us can contest that friends are an important part of our lives. Growing up, friends are your playmates, secret keepers, study buddies, partners in crime. As you get older they can also be the ones who know exactly how to cheer you up when you’re down, they encourage you in your journey through life, and listen to all of your stories. However, as we get older we also get busier and can lose touch with those closest to us and those once cherished friendships fade away.

But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially in this digital age when you can easily connect with people all over the world with just a few clicks. Just as it’s important to make time for yourself, it’s also important to make time to connect with others. You don’t have to plan a weekend trip out of town, or set aside time for an hour long phone conversation, although both of those ideas would be fantastic! Remembering to send a text message saying “Thinking of you, hope you’re doing ok!” or posting a memory on their Facebook page can be just as thoughtful. Personally, one of my goals for the year is to send physical cards for birthdays and also randmonly send Thinking of You cards.

For your journal this week, make a list of the ways you feel that you’re a good friend. Do you call or text? Do you remember their birthday? It can be as simple as remembering their favorite restaurant when inviting them to lunch, or knowing when to leave them alone. Then write a list of ways that you are not a good friend. Write down anything you can stop doing that may be affecting your friendship negatively. After looking at both lists, write down a few ways that you can improve your friendships this year.

I am using these weekly prompts to reach my goal of self-discovery and making the events and actions in my daily life more intentional. My intention in sharing them is to hopefully inspire you to keep journaling, or to find your own path!

You can view all of my journal prompts here: Weekly Journal Prompts

Journaling Basics Series:

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Monika is a mom to 3 little lovebugs. She loves to laugh, write, craft, play and try new DIY projects. She started Life With Lovebugs as a way to share all of her household tips, recipes and playtime activities with other moms.

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