Adult Acne: Fast Acting Essential Oil
Although I’m in complete denial, the truth is, I’m one year shy of middle age. And my body is telling me so! I eat pretty clean, exercise, and only drink water. So why in the recent months have I had such a difficult time with cystic acne around my laugh line/chin area? Never in my life have I had an acne problem, so why now?
Well, just like the hormonal changes during puberty can be the culprit for acne, so can hormonal changes that we experience as adults heading toward pre-menopause. And I guess it’s my turn! I wouldn’t be so bothered by it, since I can use make up to conceal most of the inflammation and redness, but that doesn’t fix the pain that these cystic pimples are causing. And they never fully go away, just reduce in size.
I recently did something called a Zyto Scan, which determines imbalances in your body. It correctly, addressed my hormonal imbalance as the root for my hormonal acne, and suggested “Zendocrine” I ordered the oil, which I received yesterday, Nov. 22nd, and I tried it immediately! I woke up this morning absolutely stunned with the results. Almost completely resolved!
What I did: because the oils are highly concentrated (and this one contains Clove which tends to be “hot” when applied directly to the skin), I first put coconut oil on the affected areas, then 1 drop in the palm of my hand, and dabbed it onto the acne areas already covered by the coconut oil. I then put one drop of the Zendocrine
on the sole of each of my feet (fastest absorption in the circulatory system is through the pores on your feet-plus they aren’t as sensitive to direct contact with this essential oil).
Besides this oil being a detoxifying blend for your body and skin, it is extremely high in anti-oxidants which are known to help irradiate free radicals from the body on a cellular level (hence, detoxification).
I’m so thrilled to have finally added this oil to my arsenal of therapeutic essential oils, and if you are addressing Adult Acne like me, you might want to give this a try!! (Not for pregnant or lactating women.)
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not meant to offer specific medical advice, nor is it meant to be used as a substitute for competent medical advice from a licensed professional physician. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Hi there, I get huge painful pimples that take forever to go down. They are really deep in the skin so maybe they are cystic acne. I only get 1 at a time. I have tried so many different doterra oils for a spot treatment and nothing has worked so maybe I should try zendocrine. Is it still working for you?
Hi Raquel,
It’s been so successful for me, that I really don’t need to take it too often. Zendocrine essential oil detoxifies from the inside out (you would want to take it in a veggie cap several times a day, and dilute in FCO and use topically)~I had tried Meleleuca oil prior and that would reduce the size of the acne, but they didn’t completely go away until I tried the Zendocrine. Another option is the Life Long Vitality pack of supplements, for long term prevention (they really are amazing, and control long term inflammation dramatically, and for me this has done a wonders on many health related issues I’ve had).
Hi Rachele, I’m a little scared to use the zendocrine on the bottom of my feet because I did that with Melalueca for 1 week and got 2 huge pimples (I’m guessing from the detox reaction?) So I don’t think I would want to try internally either. Have you heard that before about Melalueca doing that to anyone?
No, I haven’t….it is possible that it was a detox, response, but I’ve had SO many people tell me that Melaleuca cleared things up immediately for them. I’d suggest trying Melaleuca again, because it’s quite possible that it was a coincidence.
Hi Rachele,
How many drops do you put in each pill and how many times a day? Could I also add digestzen in the same pill?
You should fill the capsule with zendocrine-and take Digestzen separately so you don’t upset your stomach.
Hi Rachele – Which product would you suggest using, the oil or one of the supplements (softgels or detox supplements)? Or a combination of both? I am interested in trying zendocrine for my cystic acne that I cannot get rid of (due mostly to PCOS I think). I’ve tried almost everything including accutane and nothing has helped. Also, should I be using a specific cleanser, moisturizer, or any other products or vitamins/supplements? Any recommendations would be SO awesome! Thank you! :)
Nicole, you can use one Zendocrine softgel once a day. You have to slowly cleanse your liver. Try the Clear Skin Set or HD Clear Facial Kit. You can also use fractionated coconut oil on your face at night topped with lemon oil. You can also drink the lemon oil 2-4 times a day.
Other oils for acne are:
Purify Blend
HD Clear
Hi Nicole,
I had success using the Zendocrine by itself….I had previously tried Melaleuca & Purify topically and they weren’t successful for me. I also drink water daily with citrus oils, and still needed something more. Zendocrine has Clove oil in it, which is the most powerful antioxidant oil there is, and is likely why it worked so quickly. I was already using doTerra’s skincare line and loved it, but needed something else for the cystic acne that arose. You can either get Zendocrine premade in the soft gels, or get the oil and fill a veggie cap to take internally and use topically on the affected area as well.
Stumbled on your website today grasping for some help with some horrible hormonal acne I’m having. I’m a huge lover/user of doTERRA essential oils and have tried several combo’s without much relief. I haven’t tried the Zendocrine blend, but it sounds like one I’ll need to give a try. I currently use the Oil Cleansing Method for washing my face, the doTERRA acne treatment wash didn’t seem to help – which made me sad. I love all their products and most other things I always have success with. The “Whisper” blend and I are wonderful friends!!!! Helped me with some major hormonal issues last December…it’s a wonderful blend! I’ll be getting some Zendocrine oil and softgels today and dive right into the process that worked for you. Thanks so much! :)