Printable Alphabet and Numbers Tracing Sheets
Last summer before my son started Kindergarten we made a Kindergarten Readiness Checklist. We practiced letters, numbers, writing, patterns – there was so much to learn! I made a few worksheets to help him prepare, like the Alphabet and Numbers pages that I’m sharing today.

At first, I made the worksheets in black, but then I thought it would be more engaging to make them colorful so I re-made my worksheets using rainbow colors. Jack said that he liked the colorful pages better, especially since we only had black markers. I laminated the pages to make them re-usable and added them to a binder. I wasn’t sure if he would have an issue with smudging the letters as he went along because he’s left-handed, but it didn’t seem to be an issue.
You can print these pages here to use at home:
Alphabet Tracing – Black // Alphabet Tracing – Rainbow
Numbers 1 -100 Tracing – Black // Numbers 1 -100 Tracing – Rainbow
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