20+ Candy Dessert Recipes

Once Halloween is over, and the kids have crashed from their sugar high you’re left with bags and bags full of candy. I usually dump all of the treats into a big bowl and over the next week or so I hand out a few pieces to each of my kids for treats or dessert, and then throw out the rest. We normally don’t have a lot of candy around the house so having the bowl full of it makes the kids nuts!
But this year I thought I might be able to do something else – I wanted to use all this candy to make treats for family and friends. After some research on Pinterest I discovered that you can add most chocolate candies to any cookie, brownie or fudge recipe! Also, the fruitier candies like Skittles, Starburst or Sweet Tarts are often used to make flavored alcohol, which sounds gross to me. I’ll stick to the desserts! Here are 20, or so, recipes I found, I hope you see one that you would like to make!

This post was originally published in 2015 and has been updated for 2019.