All Natural Charcoal and Clay Soap

Over the years I have tried many different types of all-natural DIY face washes. While I have had success with a few, I’m always open to trying a few more! About six months ago I made soap using activated charcoal, bentonite clay, and tea tree oil. This soap can be used as a face wash or as an all-over body wash and is especially good for acne-prone or oily skin. First, let me explain why I chose these ingredients and what they can do for your skin.
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Charcoal is effective for people with acne-prone skin as it gently exfoliates and draws out dirt, oil, and makeup that can clog pores. Adding tea tree oil adds natural antifungal and antiseptic properties.
Bentonite clay will support natural detoxification for your skin but can be difficult to distribute evenly through the soap. In order to fully incorporate the clay into the soap, you have to mix it with something first to make a paste. Similar to how you add cornstarch to water first before
There are several varieties for base soaps you can use – glycerin, olive oil, goats milk, honey, shea butter, etc. In this recipe, I used shea butter for added moisture, but any base will work. I like to use the brand Our Earth’s Secret, which can be found on Amazon. This soap always melts nicely, is offered in several varieties, and the ingredients are all-natural.

- 1/2 lb shea butter melt & pour soap, cut into chunks
- 5 capsules of activated charcoal
- 1 Tbsp bentonite clay powder
- 1 Tbsp vegetable glycerin
- 20 drop tea tree essential oil

In a small bowl mix clay powder, glycerin, and tea tree oil until smooth. Set aside.

Add soap chunks to a microwave-safe container and melt in the microwave for 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until all of the soap is melted.

Open all of the charcoal capsules into the container of melted soap. Add clay powder mixture and stir until all ingredients are combined.

Pour evenly into silicone soap molds. Shake back and forth gently to release air bubbles, then let the soap cool on the countertop.

I usually fill my soap molds halfway up because I like to replace my bars often rather than having them sit in the shower. I wrap the unused bars in wax paper until I can ready to use them.