Countdown to Christmas Printable Color-In Tree

Even though Christmas starts to show up well before Halloween, the official start of the holiday season doesn’t start for us until the first of December. We bought our tree over the weekend and brought out the decorations. There are snowmen and reindeer all over, stockings are hanging over the fireplace, and our wreath is on the front door. We’ll be making a paper chain to hang up right next to this printable Christmas tree countdown.

Did you make these paper chains when you were a kid? I remember making them every year in grade school. Just cut 12 strips of red paper, 12 green, and 1 yellow or white. Link them together by creating a loop and stapling each link closed. Then hang your chain and let the kids tear off a link each day leading up to Christmas.

This countdown is available to print in both full color or black and white, if your kids would prefer to color it in: Countdown to Christmas

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The post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated for 2020.