Creating Healthy Habits in Kids
This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.
Another year of school has started and my kids are happy to see old friends, make new ones, and are prepared to learn from their teachers. In years past we treated Summer as if it were a free for all – no bed times, no schedule, and if snacking were an Olympic sport there would be a fierce battle for gold in my house. But this year I was determined to do things differently. I wanted to make sure that when school started we were ready, not just with supplies but with our health and wellness too!
During Summer I continued to keep a regular bedtime for all of my kids, they also woke up at the same time each day. It was later than usual, but the routine was what I was trying to keep! We went on adventures outside, and kept lots of fruits and veggies on hand to snack on instead of chips and cookies. I also started to give them Nature Made® KIDS FIRST® Multivitamins. Nutrition has always been a concern of mine because all three of my kids had a dairy intolerance when they were young and it made meals difficult at times. It also made they picky with their meals as they grew up because they weren’t used to eating certain foods.
Nature Made® KIDS FIRST® can help to fill many of the key nutrient gaps† in my kids’ diets, they taste great too! I admit, I tried a few and they were really good! But it’s not surprising, they are made with all natural fruit flavors and contain no synthetic dyes or preservatives. They contain 12 essential nutrients for age-specific nutritional support, including vitamins A, C, D and E, B vitamins, and minerals like iodine and zinc.
In addition to multivitamins, we also tried the Nature Made® KIDS FIRST® Vitamin C Gummies which provide an excellent source of vitamin C, with 125 mg per serving, to help support the immune system.† The second week of school there were already kids out with colds and coughs, I wanted to make sure that we did everything we could to stay healthy and happy!

All of these little things, creating a sleep routine, being active outdoors, taking vitamins, they all build up to make one big thing – healthy habits. Teaching your kids at a young age how to live a healthy and happy life will stay with them as they grow! We bought our Nature Made® KIDS FIRST® Gummies at Target, you can visit the Target website for more info.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Id love to know if you saw a difference in R’s skin using these multivitamins? O has the exact same thing R had. The itching and peeling and I’ve change detergent taken all dyes and fragrances out of soaps etc. I’m wondering if it’s nutritional?
The kids’ eczema was a result of a milk intolerance, but they grew out of it around age 2yrs. I would try doing an elimination diet for O, starting with dairy!