Lemon Garbage Disposal Refreshers

Every now and then you may notice a bad smell coming from your garbage disposal, and running water through the drain doesn’t “clean” it! In the past I’ve kept the lemon rinds from my daily lemon water in a bowl by the sink and when the I notice the smell I throw a piece in and turn on the disposal on. This not only takes away to smell, but it also cleans the drain! You may also know that if you put ice cubes down the drain and run the disposal, this will sharpen the blades. I recently combined both tips into one for an even better way to clean my disposal!
Since I drink lemon water every day the amount of lemon rinds really starts to pile up, so I decided to chop up the rinds and freeze from into ice cubes.
Once a week, I toss in a few of these cubes into my disposal for a quick clean. You can also use white vinegar in your cubes for an even better clean! Vinegar can help to remove odors and break down hard water buildup and soap residue. If you have a really stubborn odor, you can also add some baking soda to the drain before you toss in the cubes. Remember the baking soda volcano in grade school? Yep, be prepared for a little bubble action if you decide to use vinegar and baking soda. One last tip, if you make your ice cubes with vinegar AND you regularly use ice cube trays for your drinks be sure to know which is which!