Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Last week I shared a list of foods to fight insomnia that you can incorporate into your nighttime routine and get a better night’s sleep. One of the items on the list was chamomile tea, which is probably one of the most recognizable herbal teas. It tastes delicious, especially with a touch of honey, and is easily available at most grocery stores. Today I want to share more that just the convenience or great taste of chamomile tea, but all of its many health benefits!
Provides Migraine Relief – One of the lesser known health benefits of chamomile tea is that it can help with headache and migraine pain. This is especially useful when you get chronic migraines, as it often requires prescription medications and can put you out for the entire day. By drinking chamomile tea to ease the pain, you have an effective and natural remedy that is good for you and non-addictive. Plus, chamomile tea is more cost efficient than most medications. Try to drink the tea when you first notice your migraine symptoms as opposed to when you already have a full blown migraine.
Eases Menstrual Cramps – Chamomile tea can be used to ease the pain of menstrual cramps and discomfort. It can reduce in inflammation and relax the uterus therefore lessening the amount of cramping to occur. i
You Can Get Better Sleep – Most commonly, chamomile tea is known for it’s use as a sleep aid. If you have trouble sleeping, you can drink a cup of chamomile tea about 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Chamomile naturally has properties that can relax you and soothe your mind and body. Suddenly you have less stress and anxiety, which also helps you to sleep better. Try having a cup of chamomile tea after a hot bath and you will be out in minutes. If you don’t like the taste of chamomile, try adding honey or lemon.
Relief from Stomach Issues– Stomach discomfort happens for a variety of reasons, most commonly from indigestion or eating disagreeable foods. If you struggle with chronic stomach cramps, try chamomile tea to settle your stomach and help to ease the pain. It can has also been known to provide relief from motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting.
Reduces Seasonal Allergy Effects – Lastly, chamomile tea can help with your seasonal allergies. It has many healing properties that are effective at reducing the side effects from seasonal allergies. Drinking 2-3 cups of chamomile tea a day is the best way to get allergy or asthma help from this type of herbal tea. If you know that the weather for the day will be especially windy, or the pollen levels are high you can brew a few bags of chamomile in the morning and sip on iced tea throughout the day.
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