Hello, February
February always seems like a bridge between Winter and Spring to me. The cold days get fewer, but it’s still not quite warm enough to see flowers sprouting. Nonetheless, there’s still a lot to enjoy during this short month!

Fun Facts
- February comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.” The month was named after the Roman Februalia, which was a month-long festival of purification and atonement.
- It’s the only month to have a length of
less than 30 days! Though it’s usually 28 days, February is 29 days in leap years. - January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar (c. 713 BC); originally, winter was considered a month-less period.
- Originally, February was made the last month of the calendar year! Eventually (c. 450 BC), February was moved to its place as the second month.
Dates to Remember
- 2 – Groundhog Day
- 5 – Chinese New Year
- 9 – National Pizza Day
- 14 – Valentine’s Day
- 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day
- 18 – President’s Day
- 20 – National Love Your Pet Day
Aquarius – The Water Bearer: January 20–February 19
The mad scientist and humanitarian of the horoscope wheel, futuristic Aquarius energy helps us innovate and unite for social justice.
Pisces – The Fish: February 20–March 20
The dreamer and healer of the horoscope family, Pisces energy awakens compassion, imagination and artistry, uniting us as one.
Birth Flower – Violet and Primrose
- The violet signifies watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. Give a violet to someone to let them know that you’ll always be there for them.
- The primrose lets someone know that you can’t live without them.
Birthstone – Amethyst
- This gem is a form of quartz; it can range from a pale lilac color to a deep, rich purple.
- The name is based on a Greek myth that speaks of a nymph named Amethyst who was inadvertently turned into white stone; in remorse, the Greek god Bacchus poured wine over her to turn her a beautiful purple.
- The amethyst was thought to prevent intoxication and keep its wearer thinking sharply. It was worn by English royalty in the Middle Ages.
Moon Cycle
- New Moon: February 4, at 4:04 P.M. EST
- First Quarter: February 12, at 5:26 P.M. EST
- Full Cold Moon: February 19, at 10:54 A.M. EST
- Last Quarter: February 26, at 6:28 A.M. EST

Print: February 2019 Calendar & ToDo List
Print: Jan-Dec 2019 Calendar