How to Make a Candy Cane Reindeer
Every year I bring the supplies to make these candy cane reindeer to my family’s Christmas Eve party for the kids. It’s a fun and easy craft and the next day we pass them out to our extended family for everyone to enjoy. This year I also made them for my daughter’s class Christmas party. The kids loved them!
What you will need:
- Candy Canes
- Google Eyes (5mm)
- Red or Black pompoms (I used 5mm)
- Black pipe cleaners
- Glue
Put the candy canes in a glass or jar. This is not nessesary, but helpful. Glue on the eyes and nose. Let them dry.
- Take a pipe cleaner under the arch of the candy cane and twist 2-3 times to make a V for the antlers.
- Twist each antler tight around a pencil and then slide out the pencil.
- Gently pull the curly antler just a little bit to spread it out.
These can be hung on the tree, tied on top of a present, or give in a little stocking as a small gift. We have a Christmas bucket that we display them in for the family to take during the festivities. Enjoy!