Printable Hundreds Chart Worksheets

A hundreds chart is a great resource to help kids in grades kinder to 5th grade sharpen their math skills. It can be useful for exploring a range of concepts from basic counting, to number patterns and sequencing. It can also be a useful tool to help students develop the concepts and strategies needed to build an understanding of numbers and place value.

If you are not familiar with a hundreds chart, it is a 10-by-10 grid with the numbers one to one hundred printed in the squares. There are a variety of ways to use this chart and today I’m sharing 15 ways my kids and I have used it over the years.
- Practice counting from 1 to 100.
- Identify even and odd numbers.
- Play BINGO by calling out a number and have your child cover it with a counter.
- Practice skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
- Use a 100’s chart to find patterns in addition and subtraction problems.
- Practice money identification by counting by the monetary values of pennies, dimes, nickels, or quarters.
- Color in multiples of one number, looking for patterns.
- I’m thinking of a number – Tell your child that you are thinking of a number. Let them guess a number and you say higher or lower until they can guess the right number.
- Practice math problems by coloring multiples of certain numbers.
- Using a blank 100’s chart, fill in some of the numbers but leave blank spaces. Have your child write in the appropriate numbers.
- Round to the nearest 10 – say a number and have your child put a marker on that number. Then let them decide which 10 that number is closer to.
- Cut up a hundreds chart into pieces and use it to make a puzzle for your child to put back together.
- Work on addition and subtraction strategies.
- Learn about prime and composite numbers by using 2 different colors to shade in each type of number. (Use the guide included with this list to help)
- Play a game of Plus Ten – start at any number and ask your child to add 10 using the hundreds chart as a guide.

Print: Hundreds Chart Worksheet Packet
This packet includes:
- List of 15 ways to use a hundreds chart
- Completed hundreds chart
- Blank hundreds chart
- Hundreds chart with prime & composite numbers identified
- (3) Fill-In-The-Blanks Numbers Worksheets
- Fill-In-The-Blanks Even Numbers
- Fill-In-The-Blanks Odd Numbers
You can laminate the worksheets so that your kids can use them over and over by using a dry-erase marker to complete the pages. I keep the supplies to make re-usable pages on hand all year long, you can find them at most local office supply stores or on Amazon (links below).
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