Journaling Basics: Creating a Setup for Success

Now that you have discovered your why and chosen what to write about, you’re ready to get started! You’ll need to purchase your
If you have ever tried to do homework at home, you know the difference between attempting it in the living room on the couch with your family, and working in your bedroom at a desk with the door closed. The change is insurmountable!
Find Your Favorite Journaling Supplies
This really does have a large impact on whether you journal a few times and give it up, or if you are able to turn it into a habit. You want journaling to be enjoyable, not feel like homework or a chore. The best way to start doing this is to find supplies you really LOVE to use. Sure, you can start with anything you have at home, but at a certain point, it is good to go shopping and buy a journal that you absolutely fall in love with.
Start with the journal itself. There are so many different types of journals and notebooks you can use, that it would be impossible to name them all. There are hardbound journals and softbound books specifically meant for journaling, or you might prefer something with bigger pages, more similar to a notebook. I bought a composition book at the dollar store! There are no rules here – use what you love, whether it is the size,
Next up are the writing supplies. Everyone has a preference with the type of writing utensil they use, so if you already have something you love by all
Set Up a Journaling Space
A lot of times, the success of your journaling habit is indicative of your environment. If you keep trying to write at the kitchen table while your kids are eating and demanding attention, you’re probably not doing too well. This is a mistake. You need a place just for you that is quiet and free of distractions. Here are some tips for setting up a journaling space in your home.
Find the Quietest Place in Your Home – You probably already have a place in mind. It is somewhere you can go to that feels more secluded and comfortable. Something with
Create a New Spot if Needed – Sometimes, your home isn’t really set up to have the perfect journaling spot, so you need to be creative and actually create a spot. Do you have a corner of your bedroom with just a tall plant and no other furniture? This might be perfect for you! Move the plant somewhere else and see if a little desk and chair might fit there. Maybe your formal dining room isn’t used often, so you rearrange things and have a little journaling space set up there, or you transform your outdoor shed into a journaling and crafting room just for you.
Think Outside the Box (or home) – Not everyone can find those few minutes every day in their home to really focus on journaling. That’s okay! Take it outside the home in this case. Think about journaling in the car while waiting for your kids to get
The most important thing to remember about journaling is that there are no rules. Use the pen and paper you like, find a place and time that works best for you. If you’re a busy on-the-go person and you’re finding it hard to carve out time at home then put your journal in your purse and journal whenever you have the time. Find out what works best for you and make it happen!
Be sure to read the entire Journaling Basics Series:
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