20 Summer Writing Prompts for Kids

Over the summer I like to try and sneak in educational activities to keep the kids’ minds moving and avoid the summer learning gap. Last summer I tried something new – creative writing. When I was a kid I loved writing stories! In addition to exercising their imaginations, this will also improve writing, spelling, and penmanship skills. We went to the local dollar store and bought composition books, pencils, crayons, and markers.
Each week I give the kids a topic, or story starter, to write about and they work on their story for about 20 minutes every day. I love how creative my kids are and how each story was so unique. These writing prompts are not only for older kids who are experienced writers. Young kids can use the prompts to create a story by drawing pictures or using stickers.
Here are a few summer-themed ideas for your children to write about, I hope they will keep your writing adventures fun and enjoyable!
- What do you want to do the most this summer?
- Take a walk outside, then write about what you experienced with your 5 senses.
- What is the most interesting thing you learned about in school this year?
- If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go? Why?
- What are your favorite things to do outside during the summer?
- July is National Ice Cream Month. If you could do anything to celebrate, what would you do?
- If I were a butterfly, I would…
- Imagine you are going to build the world’s largest sandcastle. What would it look like? Who would you ask to help you?
- If you were a tour guide for your city, where would you take visitors? Places, restaurants, parks, museums, etc.
- Do you miss going to school during the summer? Why or why not?
- Describe the perfect summer camp. What would you do? Where would it be?
- You have been granted 3 wishes to make this summer the best ever, what do you wish for? Why?
- If the power went out during summer, what would you do? How would you stay cool? What would you do without tv/electronics?
- Describe what life would be like if you lived on a deserted island.
- If you were in the Summer Olympics, which sport(s) would you participate in? Why?
- What would you do if you were trapped in a zoo overnight?
- Plan the perfect picnic with your family and friends. Where would you go? What will you eat? Do you have activities planned?
- What super power would make your summer better? Why?
- You’ve been hired to build a water park. What will it look like? Describe the rides, shows, food, etc.
- When school starts again, what will you miss the most about summer?
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This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated for 2022.