Parenting Tips for a Better Summer Break

Just last year was my first time having an entire day to myself. My youngest son started Kindergarten and I suddenly had tons and tons of time. I could drink hot coffee without any interruption, eat lunch without little hands trying to steal my food – it was amazing! But once summer rolled around my time was no longer my own. Don’t get me wrong, I do love having my kids home. We get to sleep in, sort of, and play at the water park, get frozen yogurt – there were definitely some perks. But I do miss the quiet time and the ability to finish a task uninterrupted. Now that the end of the school year is here again, I thought I would share some tips for a better summer vacation for moms everywhere.
Create a summer schedule. You don’t have to schedule something for every second of the day but having a general idea of what to do each day can be beneficial. I created a monthly calendar and spaced out the activities, making sure to include “nothing days” so we had a break. This will give your kids a general, but flexible, schedule to look forward to. Just remember that it’s okay to be laid back. If you don’t feel like going anywhere you can swap days, or just take the day’s activity off the calendar altogether.
Limit screen time. During the lazy days of summer, it can be so easy just to turn on the TV and zone out. But when the kids are not swimming or riding bikes, find something productive for them to do. Stock up on fun and educational activities that will help your kids continue to grow and learn over the summer break. Coloring books, crosswords, puzzles, and board games are all great ideas.
Don’t forget summer reading: Make regular trips to your library and let the kids check out books. A lot of libraries have summer reading challenges that kids can participate in. Last summer I made a Reading Challenge Bookmark. For each book read, they punched a hole in the bookmark to earn rewards.
Keep them social. Summer camps, group play and trips to the local playground are all great ways to entertain children without screen time. Social settings often encourage imaginary play and creativity all while developing social skills that are essential for a child’s development.
Be inspired by nature. Take hikes, swim outside, pick flowers, plant a garden, and explore. Let nature be your inspiration this summer! Get your kids outdoors for some fresh air. Plan a game of hide-and-seek or set up a nature scavenger hunt that will keep them entertained in a healthy way.
Some downtime is good. Remember that long days at the pool/beach can cause exhaustion which can, in turn, lead to frustration and/or bad behavior. Figure out what the right amount of activity is to stimulate your kids and incorporate enjoyable activities into their summer routine.
Sleep is still essential. Sleep, especially at a young age, is essential for healthy growth and brain development. We all benefit from a good night’s rest! Even if you extend bedtime during the summer, make sure your child is getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Try not to get too far off of their school routine because it will be back in session before you know it!
Find gratitude in the moment. Be mindful and slow yourself down enough to know that even if you have less time for yourself and more time with the kids that these moments are fleeting and before you know it, fall will be here. Find gratitude for the health of yourself and your kids, for the air you breathe and the sunshine on your face.
Our kids grow up so quickly, so make time to enjoy the summer as a family no matter how old your kids are. Whether planning a vacation out of state or simply a day trip to the beach, the best activities are enjoyed together!
This article was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2022.