Prevention & Natural Remedies for Bug Bites this Summer!
The time is here! Summer has arrived, and with it comes camping, evening walks, picnics, BBQ’s and BUGBITES! If you are like me, you may have concerns about the chemicals in sprays and candles that we put on our skin, our children, or have burning outside on our patio tables to repel the bugs. And once we or our kids have gotten bit, relieving the itching and burning can be difficult to impossible.
Well, your experience is about to change! doTerra has a wonderful proprietary blend called “TerraShield” which is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oil that you can use directly on your skin (dilute for children) to repel insects and lasts for up to 6 hours! Hosting a party? Use in a diffuser for longer duration aromatic purposes.
So, you already have the bug bites and need relief? Some easy solutions without the use of steroidal creams, anti-inflammatory meds or anti-histamines are: Lavender, Melaleuca
, and Purify
essential oils. Did you know the Lavender is such a diverse oil, and has natural anti-histamine properties?! Use a drop directly on the affected area (same application with Melaleuca or Purify).
Or, in a 2 oz. spray bottle, fill with fractionated coconut oil, 6 drops of Lavender & 6 drops of Melaleuca and spray on affected area (this spray can also be used to relieve sun-burns, eczema, psoriasis and many other skin irritations). If you still haven’t tried essential oils, now is the time to start. I promise, you’ll be amazed with the results, naturally!