Simple Steps to a Better Morning for Parents and Kids

School starts in just one week for my kids, I know many schools have already started! It’s tough to get back on track with a dedicated schedule for both kids and adults. Waking up early, making lunches, just getting out the door on time can be a struggle. I’ve been thinking back on years past and what has helped me to have a smooth morning with the kids. Here are a few tips that might help you too!
Wake Up Early
I’ve found that getting up even 30 minutes before everyone else is huge. I can get up, stretch, make some coffee, actually drink hot coffee, and start the day with just a few moments of silence.
Stretch It Out
Release the tension from last night’s sleep, your worries of the day, or just life in general with a few gentle stretches. Stimulating your nervous system and getting the blood flowing in your muscles will wake you up and make you more aware quickly.
Put Down the Phone
It’s hard not to check your email and social media in the morning, but it can lead you down a rabbit hole and before you know it there are only minutes left to get everyone dressed and fed and out the door. I started waiting until everyone was ready for school, or after they have already left to check my social media pages.
Prepare the Night Before
After the kids go to bed at night, make a habit of packing non-refrigerated items in your kid’s lunches and fill their water bottles. Have your kids pick out their outfits and fill their backpacks with folder, books, etc the night before as well. Don’t forget about the coffee machine too! Fill it up, or set a timer so you can have just a few more minutes in the morning.
Make the Morning Musical
Playing upbeat music while you and your kids are getting ready can get everyone moving and will also put you in a good mood. Just make sure that the morning doesn’t turn into a dance party and knock you off your schedule!
Give Your Kids a Motivator
My kids are not allowed to turn on any electronics until they are dressed with their teeth brushed, have eaten breakfast, and have a backpack full with everything they need for the day. This reward has motivated them to finish early, even if they only have 5 minutes to play. Find out what motivates your kids and use it to get them moving in the morning!