20 Spring Writing Prompts for Kids

I started practicing creative writing with my kids during summer vacation one year as a way to keep their minds moving while they were out of school. During breaks, I like to keep lots of activities on hand for the kids to do – puzzles, game sheets, word searches, etc. They really enjoyed the writing prompts, so I decided to make a list for every season and a few of the major holidays as well.
When we started, we bought composition books from the dollar store and a box of crayons, then I gave the kids a topic, or story starter, to write about. I love how creative my kids are with their stories and how each one was so unique.
These writing prompts are not only for older kids who are experienced writers. Young kids can use the prompts to create a story by drawing pictures or using stickers.
There are so many great topics and spring activities to write about such as flowers, rainy days, baby animals, Easter, Earth Day, just to name a few.
Here are a few ideas for your children to write about, I hope they will keep your writing adventures fun and enjoyable!
- I know it’s spring when…
- Take a walk outside, then write about what you experienced with your 5 senses.
- What are your favorite things to do outside during the spring?
- Spring is when flowers start to bloom again. Do research on how a flower grows from seed to blooming flower.
- If you could go anywhere in the world for Spring Break, where would you go?
- During spring baby animals are born. If you could have any animal as your pet what would you choose? Why?
- If you could plant anything in your spring garden, what would you plant?
- Pretend that you’re a butterfly. Describe what a day in your life would be like from wake up to bedtime.
- Do you miss winter when spring starts? Why or why not?
- Describe your perfect springtime day.
- Pretend that “Spring Fever” is a real illness with bizarre symptoms. Write a story about you or a friend getting the illness and what happens. How do you treat/cure it?
- Spring is often thought of as a time of new beginning. What is something new that you would like to start?
- If you were a bunny, where would you live? What does your home look like?
- Do you have any Easter traditions that you celebrate with your family? Describe what you do.
- Write a list of the ways that you could help the environment for Earth Day.
- Imagine that you and your family are having a picnic at the park. Describe what is happening from a nearby bug’s point of view.
- During spring it tends to rain a lot. Write a story about what life would be like if it rained non-stop for a week. What would happen outside? What would you do inside?
- Do you know what Arbor Day is? Research how this day was started and write a few ideas for how you could celebrate.
- If you happen to meet the Easter bunny, what would you ask him/her?
- Spring is a great time to start participating in outdoor activities. What is your favorite? Your least favorite? Why?
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This post was originally published in 2020 and has been updated for 2021.