Thanksgiving Printable Coloring Pages for Kids

Grab your crayons, pencils, and markers – it’s time to color! You might think that coloring is just for kinder age kids, but my kids are in elementary and still love to color. I think there’s just something about it that’s relaxing for them. These pages are a great way to help the kids settle down after some of the exciting candy-filled Halloween activities. They can also be used in the classroom, at home, during girl scout/boy scout meetings, or with friends.
Print: Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
If your kids enjoy these pages, they will probably also like my Thanksgiving Printable Activity Pack! The pack includes a wordsearch, picture finder, maze (two difficulty levels), and word unscramble, plus a few favorites like Tic Tac Toe and Hangman. I’ve made activity packs and coloring pages for a variety of seasons and holidays during the year, you can find those here: Kids Activity Pages and Coloring Pages. Enjoy!
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