10 Ways To Prepare for Summer Guests

We are now officially on summer vacation and are so happy after the crazy year we had! We have plans to go swimming at our local community pool, spend a few nights at the drive-in movie theater, and explore all of the amazing state parks here in Texas. Summer is also a time for families to travel, or for families to entertain house guests! As I plan for our own house guests to arrive this Summer I wanted to share a few tips that will help you prepare for these exciting visits as well.

Refresh your linens. We have a closet full of clean sheets, blankets, and towels that we will use for our house guests. But sometimes they get dusty from sitting in the cabinets. I like to use Febreeze to freshen them a bit before my guests use them. I also like to use it on beds, chairs, and couches.
Make your home welcoming. Having fresh flowers from your garden on the dining room table is a simple touch that can brighten up your home for guests. Add a small dish to their bedstand to hold jewelry, a note to the fridge with the wifi password, or dust off some books that you have already read and offer these to your guests.

Stock up on essentials. There’s nothing worse than running out of your everyday essentials when guests ask for them. Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues – buy them in bulk so you never run out. Even toothbrushes and toothpaste, we’ve all forgotten a few things when packing. These are things you will use once your guests leave, so you can never have too much. If you do run out, you can always shop online have these items delivered to you so that you never have to leave your guests.

Offer travel/destination information. If your guests have never traveled to your town they may not know about all the hidden gems! Print out information for local museums, amusement parks, restaurants, or other favorite places that you think they might like. Our city sends out a magazine each month featuring new restaurants and shops in the area. You might find a new favorite place too! If you’re a AAA member, you can also stop by your local office and pick up some brochures.

Have on-the-go snacks ready for travel. When your guests are ready to travel and see the sights in your town. Having pre-packaged snacks and water bottles ready to through in a tote and take on the go will save your time and money while on-the-go.
Have a spare house key made. Your guests may want to travel on their own, or while you’re at work. A spare key can easily be made at any hardware store and usually only costs a few dollars.

Add a nightlight to common areas. Getting up in the middle of the night in a strange house can be confusing. Add a night-light to the bathroom or hallway so that guests can easily find their way around. If they have children, buy an extra light in case the kids need one too.
Keep easy cleaning supplies on hand. While your guests are sitting outside sipping on iced tea, the last thing you want to be doing is cleaning the house inside. I keep all my Swiffer products stocked up so I can quickly and easily clean up the house without missing too much time with my guests.

Make space in the closet. Sometimes guests will bring items of clothing that need to be hung up, or maybe they just like to unpack. Make sure that you have cleared out space in a closet for your guests so that they feel at home, and don’t forget to add empty hangers!
Ask about allergies. Before your guests arrive, ask if anyone has food allergies or special diets. Having food options available for them beforehand will make your guests feel comfortable and their vacation more enjoyable!
This article was originally published in 2016 and has been updated for 2022.