Valentine’s Day PomPom Monsters

My daughter wanted to make unique gifts for her teachers for Valentine’s Day, so we decided to make PomPom Monsters. They are very easy to make and took little time. With the exception of cutting the yarn, my daughter made her pompoms by herself.

Here is what you will need:
- Yarn
- Small piece of cardboard
- Scissors
- Google eyes (I used 30mm)
- Glue
- Foam sheets cut into hearts (or pre-cut hearts)
- Chenille Stems (pipe cleaners)
- Additional embellishments
Here is what to do:
- Wrap yarn around a 2×3 inch piece of cardboard. The amount of times you wrap determines how big the pompom will be, I wrapped the yarn 70 times.
- Once you are done wrapping bend the piece of cardboard slightly in half and then slide off the yarn bundle carefully.
- Cut a piece of yarn and lay the bundle on top, with the piece of yarn in the middle of the bundle.
- Tie the piece of yarn around the middle tightly and knot.
- Slide the scissors into the middle of the yarn loops and cut in half.
- While the pompom is still flat trim the side to make them even lengths. Shake the pompom to fluff up.

Now you can add your embellishments with glue! We used large foam hearts for feet, pipe cleaners for antennas, pompoms for a nose and little hearts for ears. Be creative and have fun personalizing your monsters!
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This post was originally published in 2013 and has been updated for 2020.
I loved this. Im doing 24 of them for my class. :D
Great! They are so much fun to make, I’m glad that you like them! -Monika