Valentines Day Sugar Wafer Cookies
I love to bake cookies and treats for family and friends all year long, it’s one of my favorite things to do! But I know that it’s not for everyone. Baking can be time consuming and messy, making cookies from scratch for every holiday is just not practical for most. That’s why I love the share these no-bake ideas. I made these for Halloween and the kids got involved, it was so much fun! You don’t need many supplies and seasonal themed baking goods are available at most grocery stores.

You’ll need sugar wafer cookies, candy melts, and sprinkles. The wafer cookies are usually available in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. But sometimes you can find them in seasonal flavors.

Lay out a sheet of wax paper to place your cookies on. Then, add some of your candy melts to a microwaveable bowl and melt according to the instructions. For mine, I cooked for 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until they are fully melted.

Next, dip your cookies in the melted chocolate. I like to use popsicle stick to stir the melts and spread it on your cookies in an even layer.

Add your sprinkles to the cookies then lay them on the wax paper to dry.

That’s it! So easy, and the kids will love to help.
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This post was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2021.