Weekly Journal Prompts: #6

I’ve talked a lot about ways to change your life this year, things that you should remove from your daily life or new habits and actions to start. But, making a difference in your life isn’t always about change. There are some things in your life that have value, things that you should not change. Like the saying goes “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. So this week I want you to look at the things in your life that are working.
What would you like to stay the same in your life?
Make a list of things that make you happy. It could be physical objects or activities that you participate in. It could be as simple as the way you write a grocery list and meal plan. I have a routine of getting up early on Sunday morning to check my local grocery store’s coupon site. Then I look at the weekly ad, create a meal plan, write out my grocery list, and then go shopping. It’s something in my life that works.
After you’ve made your list of your successful habits, routines, etc., then take each item and try to think if there is anything that could make it better. You may think of something, you may not. But it’s always worth evaluating both the good and bad for improvement.
I am using these weekly prompts to reach my goal of self-discovery and making the events and actions in my daily life more intentional. My intention in sharing them is to hopefully inspire you to keep journaling, or to find your own path!
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