Weekly Journal Prompts: #9

This past week was tough. Nothing seemed to be going my way and I had a real hard time dealing with it. I’m not super controlling, in fact one of the things that I say the most is “If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen”. But it just seemed like nothing was meant to be! So, that’s what this week’s journal prompt is inspired by.
Think of something that you’re worried about. List what you can and can’t control
about the situation.
Sometimes things just aren’t within your control, it’s the hard truth about life. As much as you really want everything to go your way, life just doesn’t always work out that way. And worse yet, you can’t make things happen the way you want. If you think about, there are so many factors that affect the events of life. Things that you don’t even know, or think, about. Like a chain reaction, one thing that a person does could
This week I’ll be listing the things that bothered me last week. One by one I’ll write down 3-4 things that I can and can’t change about each one. That way I can focus on what I can change and work towards my goals more efficiently, and with less stress!
I am using these weekly prompts to reach my goal of self-discovery and making the events and actions in my daily life more intentional. My intention in sharing them is to hopefully inspire you to keep journaling, or to find your own path!
You can view all of my journal prompts here: Weekly Journal Prompts
Journaling Basics Series:
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